C Program to Print "Hello, World!"

https://docs.vultr.com/clang/examples/hello-world-program C Program to Print "Hello, World!" The following C program prints "Hello, World!" to the console. #include <stdio.h> → Includes the standard input-output library for using printf(). int main() → The main function where execution starts. printf("Hello, World!n"); → Prints "He

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C Program for Matrix Multiplication Using Function

https://docs.vultr.com/clang/examples/multiply-two-matrices-by-passing-matrix-to-a-function C Program for Matrix Multiplication Using Function Matrix multiplication is performed by multiplying rows of the first matrix with columns of the second matrix. Below is a C program that multiplies two matrices using a function.

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Pascal's Pyramid in C

https://docs.vultr.com/clang/examples/print-triangle-pyramid-pascals-triangle-floyds-triangle-etc- A Pascal's Pyramid is an extension of Pascal's Triangle into three dimensions, but traditionally, Pascal's Triangle is printed in 2D. Below is a C program to print Pascal’s Triangle, which forms the base concept of a Pascal Pyramid.

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